This website is a space for storing — and sharing, if anyone cares about these — some of the websites, code repositories, and tweets that I have read. They are mostly about technology, but not necessarily tech that is currently in the spotlight. They are stored here because I thought they are worthy of preserving for a longer period of time.

I have two relatively quick ways of preserving quality content. I can bookmark a link in a web browser or app; it is painless, but those bookmarks are too easy to misplace or forget about, and pretty difficult to search for after accumulating a larger number over time. For longevity, I can also place the link in a personal note (such as iOS Notes or Obsidian), which takes more effort and time, and thus the motivation for doing so in the long run is a bit questionable: why would anyone diligently copy and paste links to a personal note every time something interesting comes up?

The beauty of sharing links publicly, besides the nature of sharing itself, is to add a slice of motivation to the cocktail: it motivates me to do the work for copying and pasting. It also motivates me to add a bit of commentary, which records what I have been thinking about when reading the content linked to. Some called such a publicly shared website that contains links and commentaries a digital garden or a microblog, terms that I don’t quite like. Simon Willison and John Gruber called such a style a link blog. I will simply call it “what I’ve been reading.”